My dear father, Maurice Berkowitz, started the B’nai B’rith Justice Unit #5207 over forty years ago with the strong belief that bringing people of this noble profession together to promote Torah and Mitzvot is essential to the success of any community. My father’s belief follows the principle of our sages that everything in creation has a special part in G d’s plan for unity. Just as the validity of the Torah is based on every letter being intact, so to each member of this Unit is an integral part of our mission to bring good into this world through our life’s work.
I am humbled by this opportunity to serve as the President of B’nai B’rith Justice Unit #5207 for the 2020-2021 term. It is truly an honor to lead an organization of men and women guided by a mindset to do good in the world – to bring about justice, tempered with mercy – by using their knowledge, legal skills, and sound judgment to help individuals, and therefore benefit society as a whole. In this way, we all have the ability to not only represent, but do the work of, the Creator of the Universe.
As I follow the lead of so many distinguished lawyers and jurists, I am reminded of what Justice means according to our traditions. Justice or “Tzedakah” is the knowledge that we are obligated to give to another, for whatever we give is truly not our own, but a gift from the Almighty as exemplified by the Florida Bar Oath which states, “I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed ……. So help me G-d.”
These traditions will continue to guide our special organization and bless us for a great year and a flourishing future. I invite you to “Reward Yourself and Do Something Extraordinary” by joining the Unit and be a part of our mission in giving and being a Light to the World and a Light to the Nations in this Blessed Country.
David J. Berkowitz